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Polyester Loops

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Product Overview

16oz. Polyester Looper - 4 Color assortments

Autumn Polyester loops - Beautiful autmn tones of umbers, orange, and tans. 

Neon Polyester loops - Great for brightly colored jewelry

Pastel Polyester loops - Very suttle colors that are soft in color but loud in beauty. 

Primary Polyester loops - Great selections of popular primary colors.

These colored loops are not just for potholders!  Make jewelry and chain garland for fun, festive decorations.  These Polyester loops are brightly colored and incredibly stretchy, which does make them perfect for those classic pot-pads. For the best potholders, pair this bag of cotton loops with the 7.5 inch (19 cm) square loom and metal hook.

Polyester made pot holders do not replace oven mitts. Caution should be taken when using with extremely hot pans. They are great for costers to protect furnture from very hot items. 


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