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Rad Dad

Posted by Anna on Jun 21st 2021

Rad Dad

Fathers Day! You knew it was coming, I said it when I wrote about Mom. So now here we are, talking about Dad, Father, Daddy, Papa, Pops, Daddy-o, Da. You know, that guy! My own father was never crafty. He could paint the front living room for Christmas every year, using a Christmas card for the layout.  :-D  That doesn't mean I didn't know men who knitted, crocheted, knotted or did other crafty things. I still know them now!  Doesn't seem possible the idea for a wall owl came from a man?  Probably a Dad?  They always look so crabby!

 It makes sense doesn't it???

    So hear me out: maybe you should find out what Dad likes as a hobby.  Maybe he's the guy who has an entire train in his basement.  There are Craft Sticks to make bridges.  Maybe he likes fly-fishing?  Bonnie cord works great on flies.  Maybe your dad is the guy who just likes hanging plant...I think you get the idea.  Now you're probably thinking about it aren't you???


    Worth it!  Your father, much like your mother, doesn't care if you make him something useful or not, he just loves the fact you care.  Spending a little time with him is more than a little priceless.  If you happen to come up with a gift that is super personalized, than you are way ahead of the game!

Unless you're father's day is for a pet, and then I make no guarantees.